Monday, August 26, 2013

What is corporate culture?

Corporate culture refers to a company's values, beliefs, business principles, traditions, ways of operating, and internal work environment. There are different questions that need to be considered to fully understand its meaning in business life.
How might corporate culture be packaged?

The company's beliefs, norms and values must be effectively packaged. The corporate culture must be embedded into everyday fabric of the business. It must inform individuals how things are done. It can come in different forms like stories which may help to explain current practices of business. Stories may be used to communicate importance of something in business. Symbols and slogans can also be used as a means of communicating firm's culture. Mission statement often contains information about company's culture.

How might corporate culture be communicated?

The corporate culture of the business must be communicated to employees and other stakeholders. Formal and informal methods can be used to do this. Formal methods are highly visible, consciously designed, regular events and activities. Rites and occasions can be planned to show different aspects of culture. Courses such as induction, orientation and training courses which have the values and beliefs communicated within the firm. Informal way involves the way in which employees communicate and express themselves in the business.

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